Sunday 14 February 2010

Beam me up Scottie

I sometimes wish I didnt have a computer and an internet connection..well actually no I dont because this fine technology allows us to search google, check the weather, and buy/sell on eBay..AGAIN !

Yes the trigger finger has been busy and we have a 'lightweight 2 element beam' advertised as for 40/80m, this beam is small so I dont expect great performance with lossy traps and small radiating elements, I am hoping it will load up on 20m with the atu.

I have searched for some more info and cant find anything much, no reviews on eham.

Fortunately it was pretty inexpensive (<£55) so if it's not so good then it'll be reebayed.

Here is a link to an Italian seller of this antenna.


  1. Hi Paul, I have been always attracted by small antennas, but small antennas is always compromising. They radiated less then a (very) long wire, at least it should be a quarter wave length for best results. But I have a lot of fun with my Miracle Whip and 10 meter wire. It performs great, but a dipole is always better. 73 Paul

  2. Hello Paul, Great going with the yagi. I saw a QRP station in Norway once with a huge tower and Yagi running only 5W on an 817. Fantastic! Great price too. Have you seen Paul's Miracle Whip? Amazing little antenna: totally tiny! I had one but didn't have the success Paul has had. Looks fantastic riding on the back of the 817 though: they belong together.
