Tuesday 23 February 2010

Morse mayhem.

Ok, well not really, I just like to have catchy titles to lure the reader in !

Last night at the Radio Club it was our 'morse exam'  for the Foundation License, I say exam in quotes because it's really just a test to see if you understand what a dit or dah, or a dot and a dash is.

So Pete our tutor sends some morse to us to decode, we have morse crib sheets in front of us, we are allowed to write down the individual dots and dashes then decode with the crib sheet, Pete sent the two of us a call, something like the following -


We then had to send Pete a similar 'qso' to show we could send morse.

It's really just an assesment and it went really well, to be honest I have no interest in using Morse (at the moment) Alan (the other FL student) was very keen and had been practising at home, just not for me though, I like talking too much !


  1. Hi Paul:
    Just "Landed" on your blog, as a CW user myself 85% of my log is made using CW - I can only wish you have every success in obtaining your call, I urge you become fully conversant with the code, it's a very good mode under difficult conditions - better than SSB - Having said that I do enjoy these new digital modes.
    Good Luck de Peter.

  2. Hello Paul, it's good to train morse, even when you don't like it. Because when you persist training, there comes a moment the morse code become a new language. You don't hear dits and dah's anymore but another language. And that is the moment morse is really fun. I think the morse code will survive many digi modes. 73 Paul

  3. Hi Peter/Paul.

    I can never say never with regards to Morse, at the moment I am so focused on getting that piece of paper, and am all setup for digi modes, even SSTV, I think that once I have calmed down and have eased into it I will look at the Morse, but for now I have too many other exciting distractions.

    Thats what I like about our hobby, there is so much to keep you interested, that new digi mode for example, whats to stop you or me inventing a new mode ?

  4. Evening Paul,

    Glad the nmorse went OK. I too have little interest in morse. But you know, it is strange: I love languages and can understand what Paul (PC4T) means when you don't hear the individual dots and dashes after a while but another language, as when I hear a CQ call (the only two letters I know well!) I instantly recognize the lilting sounds and am not consciously decoding anymore.

    Now that is a stage I would dearly love to reach with all the characters: ie to be fluent in morse. I doubt it will ever happen as I don't think I have the patience to learn and certainly not the self-discipline to learn at home.

    If I read of a class coming up at an evening class for a few months one winter then I would be there as fast as lightning!

    Been having more health issues but hope to be well enough to go to the club on 1st March again, though I know you will be absent then.

    See you next on 8th for the dreaded exam! GL!

    73 and best wishes from Adam
